
If you live in the UK, you may possibly have noticed that it’s been chucking it down with snow this evening. Of course, that means the whole country will grind to a halt tomorrow (after all, it’s not as if we have a winter every year, is it?), but it looks quite pretty in the sodium glow of the street lights right now.

It’s 11.30pm, and I just nipped outside with my camera (in my dressing gown and flip flops – am I mad!?) to take a few shots. The photo above shows the view from my front door in west London right now, looking across the car park to the allotments beyond. And it’s still snowing…

Oh, and please don’t forget to feed the birds during this cold snap!

7 thoughts on “Snow!

  1. Lillian

    Snow DOES have a way of beautifying the world, does it not? And giving one a pause, to reflect quietly…. ahhh, but too bad it’s not Monday and a day off to be had :~)

    1. Thank you! It was lovely and quiet when I took the photo, absolutely no-one about – everyone else was snuggled up inside in the warm (and quite rightly too, it was freezing cold!)

  2. Pingback: Spring has sprung? « Another Kind Of Mind

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